Apply to join the Career Accelerator

The Career Accelerator is a 3-month bootcamp in business, strategy, and leadership.


Founded in 2022 by Dr. Clare Purvis, a former startup executive and now a coach, consultant, advisor and investor, the Career Accelerator has transformed the leadership of 50+ Alumnae so far. 

Our previous cohorts have included clinicians and scientists who are operators, executives, founders, and independent consultants.

If you're a woman clinician or scientist who wants to drive more impact as a business leader, but you need help with business acumen, strategic clarity, or gaining influence, then we’d like to hear from you!  


What we look for:

  • Understanding: How will the Career Accelerator aid your growth?  
  • Readiness: What's your opportunity to drive bigger impact in your current role or new venture? 
  • Community: Will you contribute to and thrive in our close-knit group of rising leaders? 

Step 1: Complete Your Application